Hello, I'm Andrew

Need Tech Help?

I make technology work

for your unique needs.

Experienced and Affordable

Let's Talk
Frustrated computer user in need of help
Benefit from 30+ years of IT experience

Make IT work for you

Get more done with the right solutions

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  • Limit and manage kids tech use
  • Enable safety measures in existing devices
  • Help with child account setup
  • Safe and Secure family sharing on your terms
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Not for profits

  • Access free or heavily discounted software
  • Solutions to build community
  • Simple social media and marketing tools
  • Enhance online presence and advocacy
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Avoid costly mistakes

  • Point of Sale solutions
  • Repairs and Reviews
  • Websites and Business Systems
  • Setup and Security
My Expertise

Experience Matters

It’s hard to boil down 30 years into a few words.

My super power is my deep and broad understanding of Technology.

I started programming when I was 10 because it was fun!?

Dig deeper into my experience and skills

1994 - Now


One-page websites, Business websites, Intranets, Team Collaboration portals, and web applications.

Technologies include Wordpress, Drupal, Umbraco, SharePoint, Hugo, Bootstrap Responsive Design, and TWiki.

2005 - Now

Cloud and Internet Services

Data Storage and Backup, Email and Marketing automation, Finance and Business Operations systems, Payment Gateways.

Technologies include Microsoft Office365, Microsoft Teams, SalesForce, Microsoft CRM, Xero, Zoho, MobiPOS, Squared, Tyro and Stripe.

Since like ever!

Hardware, Software, Networking and Security

New setups, reconfigurations, and problem resolution of most hardware, software, and networking. Software license management and Application deployment.

Technologies include Microsoft, Apple, Google, Asus, HP, Lenovo, Untangle Firewall, and too many to list.

Every time!

Documentation and Planning

I am passionate about documentation and encourage my business customers to invest in it. Having seen such a high churn rate in NFP organisations and small businesses, the 1 thing that can improve your business is to have an operations manual and keep it up to date.

Planning is crucial to getting the right Technology solution in the right timeframe. There are lots of technologies to assist but that’s the easy part!


SKEDA Pty Ltd. Partner and lead consultant in the NFP space

Provided IT Management skills, designed and implemented business systems including Microsoft Office365, SharePoint, and CRM solutions. Custom development of system integration and business applications. Data and Asset Management, Software License Audits and Deployment Automation. Websites, Intranets, and Access Management. Assisting NFPs with whole of IT remodels. Team Shaping, organisational restructures, strategic and operational planning and implementation.


REACH - A Telstra joint venture Manager Global Server and Desktop group

Build internal operations team from ground up to support REACH’s offshore offices and global staff. Worked with vendors to design and implement Microsoft Technology solution for mid size enterprise. Implemented business systems, support systems, automation, and processes to reduce costs and increase system uptime.


Telstra Offshore Group

Operations Manager Provided IT Support and Operations for Telstra’s international offices.


Mitra Global Telekommunikasi Indonesia Implementation Manager Desktop and Server systems

Designed and implemented PCs, File Servers, and Email for PT Telkom in Central Java. Built support and operations teams and trained before handing over.

Word cloud showing lots of technology terms
Before you buy

Why do my skills make a difference?

Tech can be a confusing barrage of acronyms and product names for many.

Being an IT Architect, I understand how to craft technology solutions. My broad experience considers far more than the point solution. This enables you to avoid ‘gotchas’ down the track.

Over 30 years in IT, if you can think of it, I’ve probably done it. Actually done it. I have worked with large corporates, small businesses, not-for-profits, sole traders, individuals and families.

How does this help you?

The best IT will take into account your current and future needs, and balances cost and complexity against benefits and ease of use.

IT is an investment and if it’s something that creates a road block for you in the future, locks you in, or has a high operational cost, it’s a bad investment.

Read my tips on How to avoid costly mistakes


What People are Saying About Me

Fantastic, respectful, friendly service, and solutions developed that work for you and your business. Andrew developed a new website for our business, found shopping cart solutions that worked for us and our customers and optimised our website For our users and Google and all for a very reasonable and very affordable price. 5 stars for BITS.

Wynlen House | Mar 9, 2021

Andrew is a pleasure to work with. His knowledge and can do attitude is very reassuring. I absolutely recommending BraidwoodIT.

Bolj Boljkovac | Mar 11, 2021

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About me

Want to know more about me?

Photo of owner, Andrew Robinson

When I’m not doing IT Stuff

I live near Braidwood with my wife and 3 kids.

My hobbies include Blues music, guitar, cooking, gardening and many others. I built a 1964 Fender Vibroverb guitar amplifier from parts (sounds amazing!)

I’m owner building our straw bale home.

I recently completed a diploma in Holistic Land Management

For my IT Experience, please see my expertise